Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- September 9

Dear Lord, if I call myself a Christian, just what kind of Christian am I? Am I a nominal Christian -- a Christian in name only? Am I a lukewarm Christian -- not really committed? Am I a Sunday Christian only, and on week days giving no one any reason to suspect that I consider myself a Christian? Do I only turn to You in times of crisis, and get upset if You don't answer immediately? Would I be surprised if You said, "Where have you been?" ... In short, have I ever really felt close to You? Could it be because I've been too busy with my worldly life to study Your Word, or to spend time with other Christians? Have I ever understood Your will and Your promises, all that You want for me? ... Oh Lord, how can I get to know You better? Please answer. Amen. [Continued tomorrow]

In Jesus' name I pray.


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