Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- August 15

Dear Lord, You have said: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."* Many of Your people across this land, in cities and towns, in churches, parks and homes, observe a day of prayer each year. ... Open our eyes to see the error of our ways. Forgive us for thinking that we can re-design You to fit today's social changes. Help us to see that Your moral order was meant for all generations and that we are the ones who need to change. ... Forgive us, for we have often denied our Christian heritage. We have been deceived and have allowed others to lead us astray. How we must have grieved You! ... Give us spiritual insight and a desire to seek Your will -- for our nation, for Your churches, and for our lives -- lest we fail You and fall into a quagmire of our own making.

In Jesus' holy name we pray.


     * (II Chron. 7:14)

© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.