Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- August 5

Dear Lord, in times of trials and suffering, when I feel overwhelmed, and my faith shrinks to the size of a "mustard seed," forgive me! Forgive me for focusing on the magnitude of my problems instead of the magnitude of my God! ... Help me to see that accepting Your sovereignty is no longer just an academic question, but an everyday necessity as the basis of my Christian faith. For if I really accept Your sovereignty, then I must believe that You are adequate for all of my needs. ... I pray that the Holy Spirit will make known to me whether I am to act or to wait. Help me to trust that You can bring something meaningful even out of my crisis-situations, and to learn that Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love are indeed sufficient for all of my needs, for You are faithful to Your Word.

In the name of Jesus I pray.


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