Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- August 4

Dear Lord, let us consider these words written by William Arthur Ward and discover anew that Your presence surrounds us.

"In a garden, I found contentment.
In a seed, I found faith.
In a flower, I found God.
In a tree, I found patience.
In a butterfly, I found beauty.
In a smile, I found acceptance.
In a touch, I found encouragement.
In a friend, I found joy.
In a child, I found trust."

Oh Lord, open my eyes, my mind, and my heart to recognize the reminders of You and Your love that surround me. Forgive me for being so caught up in my worldly concerns that I think You have deserted me, and consequently miss all of the beauty and joy that You have for me, and the evidence of Your presence.

In Jesus' name I pray.


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