Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- August 1

Dear Lord, remind me that if I am to call myself a truly committed Christian, then I must not leave my Christianity on the church doorstep when I leave the Sunday service. Help me to see that I must stand for You in all of my daily dealings -- secular, political and personal. If I don't stand on Your Word, how will others see You in me? ... However, there is more, isn't there, Lord? You want me to go and tell others about You. Otherwise, even though I may live a kind and caring life, no one will know that it is because of You and Your help. You are the "good news," You are the message that God the Father sent. ... Help me, Lord, to be open to Your leading. Give me the wisdom, and the words, and the courage to know what to say and when to say it, so that others may desire to know You.

In Your holy name I pray.


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