Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- July 12

Dear Lord, You have said that if we will wait upon You, that You will renew our strength; we shall mount up with wings as eagles; we shall run and not be weary; we shall walk and not faint. ... But Lord, it is not always easy to wait. Sometimes I want You to give me patience, right now! ... Help me to remember the times that You have stood with me in the past. Help me to believe that You will renew my strength, and provide for all my needs, as I wait to find a job, or as I start a new one; as I start a new program, make a new beginning, or prepare to go off to college; as I wait for healing -- whatever. You will be there with me. Let me remember that You are trustworthy, and learn to praise You in all things!

In Jesus' name I pray.


© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.