Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- June 8

Dear Father God, sometimes I bemoan the fact that our society seems to be getting further away from You. ... Many of those in the younger generation seem to believe in a "god" of their own making -- some "energy force" out there that surrounds our planet and the universe. However, their "force" has no real substance, no mind, no guide-lines, and no "amazing grace!" ... When I ask, "Why, Lord, why?" Then You answer, "Until people like you, who know that I am authentic and who have felt my sustaining strength and love, until you tell them about Me, they are alone." ... How do I know that I have heard from You? Because the words were so "of God," and in accordance with Your Word; they were in agreement with Jesus' examples and teachings, and He said that He only spoke and acted with Your approval! ... Oh Lord, if we who call ourselves Christians seek Your help as we try to live within Your will and share Your gospel message with others, then together, we can make this a better world, beginning now!

In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.