Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- June 2

Dear Lord Jesus, help me to see that the climax of Your mission on earth was Your Pentecost experience -- the establishing of Your church and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. ... You came, not just to offer mankind a "heavenly insurance policy," but also to equip those who would believe for Kingdom-living here and now, so that Your words might continue to be spread abroad. ... You came, not for just one generation, but for all generations to come. ... You promised to baptize us with Your Holy Spirit, to provide the spiritual gifts, the boldness, the courage, and the power to enable Your disciples, then and now, to keep Your message alive. ... You promised all of that if I would but ask,* and I'm asking You now, Lord. Use me, and empower me to be Your witness, so that all I say and do will glorify You!

In Your holy name I pray.


     * (See Luke 11:13)
(c) 2001 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.