Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- May 9

Dear Lord, could it be that if we who call ourselves Christians took our citizenship responsibilities seriously, if we became informed, checking not only what our leaders tell us, but also considering their "track record" for honesty, trustworthiness, or their self-servings deeds, could it be that we could change the nation? ... Could it be that by living and advocating Christian principles, that we might help to create a "brave new nation?" ... Oh Lord, we have prayed for You to raise up righteous leaders; could it be that You are showing us,"we the people," that it is up to us to demand and elect righteous leaders? ... How much more time are You going to give us, before You let us bring on our own destruction? Open our eyes, Lord, and give us wisdom and strength.

In the name of Jesus I pray.


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