Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- April 14

Dear Lord, even though our present-day society teaches that there are no "absolutes," remind us that our first president, George Washington, said, "It is impossible to have a public morality without religious principles." ... Could it be that in the USA we have wrongly re-interpreted the "separation of church and state" to exclude our Judeo-Christian principles in the daily conduct of government, politics, business, schools, on our streets, or in our TV and movie programming? ... Have we become a nation that accepts immorality, corruption and crime as normal, and the aborting of innocent lives as our right? ... Oh Lord, help us to see ourselves as You must see us and to weep, for surely, "Our pain is Yours, and Your pain is ours, for we catch each other's tears in the cup of the Father's will."*

In Jesus' name I pray.


     * (Mother Angelica)
© 1999 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.