Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- April 3

Dear Lord, as Easter approaches, let me take time to examine my heart. Your Word says that I am to grow in holiness, that I must "be holy as You are holy" -- not an option, but a requirement. ... My Easter should not be just lilies and bunnies, or even just hymns and cantatas -- a once-a-year commemoration. Rather, Easter should follow a time of personal assessment – have I grown this past year, in building a deeper relationship with You, reading Your Word, and seeking to know Your will for my life? Or have I forgotten the commitment that I made, putting my Christianity "on hold," believing that I am "good enough" to suit me? ... Remind me that Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb for me that I might be freed from the bondage of sin and have eternal life. Remind me too, that I am to tell others about You. Help me to strive to "be holy as You are holy."

In Jesus' name I pray.


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