Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

Note: This is the third of a series of six prayers that are based on a poem of unknown origin. The italicized quotation is taken from the poem.

PRAYER Rx --- February 5

Dear Lord, "I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty that I might be wise." ... As I am forced to deal with the situation in which I find myself, I realize that I have often learned more in poverty, how to relate to more people in need, both physically and spiritually, than I would have if I only associated with wealthy friends. ... When I suffered unemployment, lack of funds, worry and illness, it was then that I realized that I needed Your help. I needed Your strength, Your encouragement, and the prayers of Christian friends. ... Through these setbacks, I learned to feel another's suffering and pain. ... Oh Lord, in my adversity, You have been my Rock. Help me to encourage others in their times of need, and to share what I have learned, that You are indeed sufficient in times of trouble!

In Jesus' name I pray.


© 1999 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.