Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx December 16

Dear Lord God, people today are looking for someone to love them, and for someone to listen to them. Help each of us to see that we are really looking for You! ... You have known this from the beginning of time, and when You realized that we needed a better understanding of Your love and all that You desired for us, You sent Your Son, Christ Jesus. ... He not only showed us what You are like - our Creator with a Father's deep love and concern for us - but He showed us what we can become! Because of His example, always seeking Your will first, and because of His teachings, we can find purpose for our lives. Because of His sacrifice, making possible our forgiveness, we have the promise of a new spiritual life here and now, and eternal life to come! Oh Lord God, help us to grasp the significance of Jesus' divine birth, for He was Your supreme and loving gift to all who can and will believe in Him.

In the name of Jesus we pray.


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