Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- December 7  

Dear Lord, it is my call, isn't it? When I feel buffeted about by the problems and the stress of life, my self-esteem often starts to slip away. At such times, help me to stop and remember that how I react to my problems or hurts from others is really my choice, isn't it? I can choose to have a prolonged "pity-party," or I can remember that when I accepted You as my Lord and Savior, You initiated Your unique plan for my life! Have I forgotten that You said that If I walk closely with You, seeking Your will, that Your Holy Spirit will give me the strength and wisdom needed to deal with my problems? ... You really want me to "count it all joy"* and to learn from my experiences. ... I can find inner peace, and I can be happy - it is my call! Help me Lord, for I am often weak.  

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

* (See James 1:2-7)


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