Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- November 22

Dear Lord, help us to pause to recall our nation's first Thanksgiving as we too give You thanks for our many blessings. ... Our Pilgrim forefathers had sacrificed much and had weathered a hazardous ocean-voyage to find freedom to worship You! ... On that first Thanksgiving they had much for which to thank You -- their safe crossing, a welcome from two Indians who could speak some English, and an introduction to a nearby tribe of Indians, with whom they shared their first Thanksgiving. ... Later the Pilgrims learned from the Indians that they had landed on the only coastal area where there were no hostile Indians, so they had one more reason to thank You, their Lord and Provider!* ... Help us today to recognize our blessings and to realize that You are our Provider also! ... You have watched over our nation, and it is because of Your divine love and care that we have survived this far. Thank You, Lord, and help us each to strive to be worthy of Your amazing grace.

In Jesus' holy name we pray.


     * (From "Celebrations of A Nation," by Lucille Johnston)
© 2001 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.