Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- November 13

Dear Lord, who doesn't want freedom to pursue happiness? It is our right as US citizens, isn't it? ... Yet as we look around we find many whose ideas of happiness are for each "to do his own thing" -- be his own god, have sexual flings, use drugs, fly high! Then when one "crashes" -- can't get it together, can't work, runs out of money, gets sick with Aids -- one asks, "Where is my government help, why haven't they been putting more money into finding a cure for Aids, etc.? Lord, where are You, if You really are?" ... "My child, right where I've been all the time, just waiting for your call." ... "Why am I getting this bad rap? Why me?" ... "Because you wanted to be free!" ... "But there is nothing wrong with wanting to be free!" ... "No, except that with freedom comes responsibility; you did not accept responsibility, and you made the choices that brought you down. You chose to ignore My moral laws. I do not tolerate sin, but I can forgive it if you sincerely repent, and change your direction. It's your choice."

In Jesus' name, we ask You to hear the prayers of everyone who sincerely repents, wants to turn his life around, and accepts You as Lord and Savior.


© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.