Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- January 11

Dear Lord, You never promised that life would be easy, or that patience in parenting would be a "natural." In fact, You never implied that parents and their offspring would always live in harmony, did You? ... But You did promise to be with us and to hear our prayers. Teach us, Lord, to pray together daily, both as a family and separately. Help us each to learn to start the day with prayer, to seek Your guidance, and to sense Your leading, lest we run ahead of You, and bring on our own problems. ... Each day, let us find some blessings to count. Open our eyes to sense Your protection and care. Then when we gather together at night as a family, let us share our experiences of the day, and the many evidences of Your care and kindness. ... Thank You, Lord.

In Jesus' holy name we pray.


(c) 2001 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.