Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- November 1

Our most gracious Heavenly Father, as we consider the crossroads that our nation faces in our upcoming elections, help us to realize our responsibility both as citizens and as Christians. Let us each first prayerfully seek to know Your will, Your truth, and Your guidance. In short, how would You have us vote? ... Remind us that we can each make a difference! ... By one vote, Texas was admitted to the union in 1845! By one vote, Hitler won leadership in the Nazi Party in 1923! By one vote, Thomas Jefferson became President of the Unites States! ... Help us, Lord, to each prayerfully accept our voting responsibility and Your guidance, lest we become a party to our nation's acceptance of materialism, dishonesty, and immorality as a way of life. For if we no longer choose to consider ourselves "One nation under God," then we can no longer rightfully expect or ask for Your blessing, can we? ... Help us to see that we need You!

In Jesus' name we pray.


© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.