Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- January 5

Dear Lord, Saturdays are family days - for some, a day to catch up on things that have been accumulating all week! For others, a day to do things together as a family unit. But whatever, let me not leave You out of this "family day." ... Let me sl-o-o-o-w down. Let me try to show Your love to others in all of my actions. Let me be more sensitive to my spouse, and to our children, for if they do not sense love and concern within me, how will they understand when I try to tell them of Your love? ... Help me, Lord, this New Year's Day to resolve to set an example for my family, for I have a tendency to "fall from grace."

In Jesus' name.


© 1999 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.