Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- October 30

Dear Lord God, You never said that life would be easy, but You did say that if we would believe in You, and commit our ways to Your way, that we could trust You, and that Your will would never take us beyond where Your grace could sustain us! Help us, Lord, to realize that You loved us enough to send Your Son, both as an example and as a sacrifice for our sins. ... Open our eyes to see that today, when we take a stand with You and find society often quick to criticize and put us down, that it is then that we discover Your strength! Just as You told Your apostle Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in [your] weakness."* ... Forgive me Lord, for doubting that You care. Thank You Lord, for Your Holy Spirit's communication line, just as Your Son promised. Help me to always keep the line open, not just in times of need, but to continually praise You and thank You for Your care and Your blessings.

In Jesus' name I pray this prayer.


     * (I Cor. 12:9)

© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.