Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- October 28

Dear Lord Jesus, there comes a time of testing when Christians must hold themselves accountable to You, and make hard decisions! Remind us that You too faced such times. ... Today, we face critical decisions at a crucial time in our nation's history, for many of our leaders are usurping the Father's authority, and have not sought His will and His directions. ... Help each of us to seriously and prayerfully consider the course that our nation is taking; do we want a government that advocates more cradle-to-grave control over our lives, a government to be led by "elitists," who consider themselves to be the only ones with sufficient knowledge to lead, and who act on the assumption that the most important "right" of middle class citizens is their "right to pay taxes?" ... Help us, as we prayerfully seek the Father's will, and give us the courage to return this country to the principles and beliefs that made it great.

In Your holy name we pray.


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