Prayer for this date

Prayer Prescription for This Date

PRAYER Rx --- October 8

Dear Lord, many sincere Christians across our nation have long prayed for revival, and we thank you for hearing these prayers, and for raising up the Promise Keepers! ... We thank you for the courage of these men, who publicly repent and dedicate their lives to You, and to their families -- husbands, fathers, and sons, each promising to seek Your will and Your help in building better family relationships. ... Remind us to look at ourselves -- a society of many broken families and confused youth -- in a time of varied destructive influences all around us. ... We find that more and more government control is being allowed to usurp parental rights and influence in our children's lives and education. ... So let us rejoice that You have heard the prayers of both husbands and wives, as together they seek Your help in strengthening their family togetherness. ... Forgive us, Lord, for too often we have allowed ourselves to be intimidated by those who strive to convince us that Christians should be seen, but not heard! Remind us that Christians are citizens too!

In Jesus' name we pray.


© 2000 by D. L. Hammond, Permission to copy granted for noncommercial use.